Workplaces with temperatures from 26°C or even above 37°C can be found in very many areas. Primarily in the production of steel or plastics but also in many others.
E.COOLINE has already been successfully tested in most of these work areas. Whether in the automotive industry or in the foundry, in the steel mill, in the glass industry or in construction. In all cases, E.COOLINE has been able to maintain the body temperature of the test subjects at a normal physiological range of between 28-32°C. In comparison, the temperature could be reduced by 6°C without cooling.

An in-vitro thermokinetics study of the high-tech material conducted in the laboratory showed a temperature reduction of 6°C to 18°C at 24°C. At an outside temperature of 30°C, the temperature was a cool 16°C for 20 hours.
Due to the evaporative cooling created in the 3D structure of the E.COOLINE material, more water evaporates per unit of time at higher temperatures, which leads to a higher energy output and thus to stronger cooling. At lower temperatures, the cooling is less because less water evaporates per unit of time.
E.COOLINE thus reacts like an automatic air conditioner. At high temperatures, there is a higher cooling power.

(* Thermoman is a registered trademark of E.I du Pont de Nemours and Company)
High temperatures demand maximum performance from our cardiovascular system, as the body suffers from fluid loss and heat accumulation in hot weather. Performance and concentration drop significantly. Employees are rarely adequately protected against this. On the contrary.
According to scientists, a mere 1.5-2% loss of fluid leads to a 4% loss of performance. Concentration is already 32% lower at 37°C, as determined in a study by the University of Wuppertal with the Federal Highway Research Institute. Aggressiveness increases. Mistakes and accidents increase.
The permanently increased heart rate due to the body’s thermoregulation running at full speed with the associated sweating and exhaustion syndromes do the rest. Health at work looks different.

Source: dpa press release on the study by the University of Wuppertal on behalf of the Federal Highway Research Institute 2005 FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK ON THE IMAGE
At high temperatures, concentration and performance decrease. Reaction times increase and some people become impatient or even aggressive. This increases the risk of accidents. Studies have shown that the number of traffic accidents increases by eleven percent at temperatures above 25°C. Cooling vests, cooling shirts and cooling headgear protect against heat-related concentration problems and accidents.
Concentration and performance are enormously important in the workplace to ensure the health and quality of life of employees. Especially in times of demographic change, good and healthy employees are a guarantee for the future. In an emergency, however, heat accumulation with a sharp rise in body temperature can lead to heat stroke or even the failure of vital organs. The mechanics in Formula 1 face similar problems to 3.5 million employees in Germany and millions of other affected people worldwide. It is often hot here too; the temperatures in summer during hot races are a real challenge not only for the drivers, but also for the mechanics and all other employees. However, heat problems can be prevented with appropriate cooling. IIn the youtube video, Lotus Formula 1 team boss Paul Seaby explains what you can do against heat problems with the help of cooling shirts, arm coolers and helminlays.
High temperatures demand maximum performance from our cardiovascular system, as the body suffers from fluid loss and heat accumulation in the heat. Therefore, older workers or those with cardiovascular problems are particularly at risk from heat stress. Often, this is compounded by the fact that too little fluid is taken in. On the other hand, the ability to sweat decreases with age and thus reduces the possibility of heat dissipation. High temperatures, especially in older people, can ultimately lead to heat accumulation with a sharp rise in body temperature, up to heat stroke or even failure of vital organs. However, these effects can be prevented with appropriate cooling.
- In future, you will generate your profits with an average older workforce
- Older workers at workplaces above 26°C are more stressed (see graph), are therefore more often absent due to illness or take early retirement
- Younger employees and skilled workers are becoming scarce. You don’t have enough employees to grow your business.
Analyse the age structure of your workforce, identify heat and warm workplaces from 26°C and set the course for age-appropriate working conditions at the heat workplace on time.

Working in a protective suit usually involves hazardous substances and environments – e.g. chemicals, fire, hot metals, explosive substances, microorganisms or pathogens such as Ebola. Here, errors per se are a dangerous proposition. Errors due to heat-induced drops in performance or lack of concentration increase this danger many times over, but unfortunately they are still the order of the day.
This is because the work in the often even airtight suits leads to rapid – sometimes extreme – heating of the body. The cardiovascular system is severely stressed, and concentration and performance are reduced. Cooling down is necessary and can save lives in an emergency.
The use of COOLINE SX3 ® products, which can cool the upper body as well as the legs, arms and head, provides quick and easy air conditioning of the body. Here, due to the unique properties, the target temperature can be selected from 10-20°C, depending on the requirements. This is the temperature range that has achieved the most positive results in studies and tests.
Downtimes due to heat-related health problems, exhaustion syndromes or concentration-related accidents, some of which are life-threatening, are thus significantly reduced. Due to the significantly better conditions, it is often even possible to extend the working time in the suit, which additionally contributes to safety, e.g. for defusers, as a person can stay at work longer and with a higher probability of defusing. In many cases, the working time is also shortened, as better work results are achieved in a shorter time. This increases the safety of all involved. In any case, the health and safety of the suit wearer benefits.
The employers’ liability insurance association and accident insurance carriers also benefit from lower accident figures and cases of illness.

We guarantee that after activation according to the instructions for use, your E.COOLINE cooling product will already provide a clear cooling effect after 60 seconds, which corresponds to a cooling energy of 2600 KJ/l (660 Watt/l). If you do not notice any cooling effect after 60 seconds, you can return the products within 14 days. We will then refund your money. We want you to stay in top shape even in the heat – with more safety and well-being!