Payment methods

Payment method Payment service provider Payment date Shipping date
Purchase on account Klarna or PayPal Plus please note payment deadline after order receipt
Installment purchase Klarna or Paypal Plus please note payment deadlines after order receipt
Amazon Pay Amazon immediately after order receipt
PayPal PayPal immediately after order receipt
Credit card PayPal Plus immediately after order receipt
Instant bank transfer PayPal Plus immediately after order receipt
Prepayment Your house bank after order receipt after receipt of payment

If you have any questions about our payment methods, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can find our numerous contact options HERE.

Notes for our business customers (b2b)
  • Please send us your VAT ID
  • You can (with company headquarters in Germany) also use the payment method “invoice – 10 days net”
  • Our invoices are payable after invoicing without deduction, a discount is excluded
3D-Secure / Verified by Visa

Credit card payments in our stores are secured by the procedure “3D-Secure/Verified by Visa”. In this process, the cardholder is authenticated by entering a characteristic (password, SMS token, etc.) that only he and his bank, where he keeps his card, know.

More information on “3D-Secure/Verified by Visa” can be found, for example, on this page of the Federal Office for Information Technology: Click here

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