Junges Paar in Rom. Beide lachen ind ie Kamera. Der Mann trägt eine Ecooline-Kühlweste

When you live with multiple sclerosis, normal everyday life in the heat is sometimes very far away. Tired and exhausted, every movement is difficult. Many people feel significantly worse at temperatures as low as 20°C. Concentration decreases, extreme exhaustion sets in and exercise or working becomes difficult. Simply mastering everyday life despite the physical strain is often a real challenge. E.COOLINE cooling clothing was developed so that those affected by MS can actively shape their lives themselves, even at high temperatures. For a better quality of life!


Cooling clothing such as cooling waistcoats or cooling shirts offer a simple, quick and effective way to significantly reduce heat stress on the body and counteract fatigue syndrome (Uhthoff phenomenon).

Even in rooms without air conditioning, a cooling waistcoat or cooling shirt provides significant heat protection and ensures better concentration and performance. Cooling clothing but also cooling caps, bandanas and neck scarves counteract exhaustion. Those affected and studies in clinics confirm the effectiveness of the E.COOLINE cooling waistcoat.


Studies in the field of MS in leading clinics in Germany and Austria confirm the positive effect of E.COOLINE: the reactions of those affected are overwhelming and even the feedback from otherwise rather reserved doctors and therapists is very positive. The reasons for this are the simple and quick activation of the waistcoats with water from the tap, the low weight, which guarantees a high level of wearing comfort, and the long-lasting effect, which ensures use for hours – even over a whole day – without any further requirements. The waistcoat is simply worn over or under normal clothing, is available in different sizes and is easy to clean.


The E.COOLINE trial study in southern Germany also showed that the use of climate-neutral cooling waistcoats significantly reduces the symptoms of the Uhthoff phenomenon in multiple sclerosis. The results were unequivocal: even though there have only been a few studies on the effects of cooling products on the quality of life of MS patients, more than 90 % of those affected perceive the cooling effect of E.COOLINE as good to very good and believe that it increases performance and reduces symptoms of exhaustion.

The wearing comfort of the ice vests and their easy and quick handling were rated positively.

Study centres: Fachklinik für Neurologie Dietenbronn GmbH, Schwendi / Asklepios Klinik, Schaufling / Reha-Zentrum Nittenau, Nittenau / Kiliani-Klinik, Bad Windsheim / Marianne-Strauß-Klinik, Berg-Kempfenhausen / Neurological Rehabilitation Centre Bad Wildbad / Neurological University Outpatient Clinic, Ulm / Neurologische Klinik Selzer GmbH & Co. KG, Baiersbronn

Evaluation of E.COOLINE cooling clothing - graphic on the cooling effect
Rating of E.COOLINE cooling clothing
Evaluation of E.COOLINE cooling clothing: graph of the therapists' positive response


Here, Professor Dr Peter Grieshofer, former head of the neurological clinic Judendorf Strassengel in Graz, explains what measures he recommends to MS sufferers with heat problems.

I have been a neurologist for almost 30 years and deal with multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis has fortunately lost a lot of its problems in recent years, on the one hand due to modern drug therapy and on the other hand due to the possibilities of rehabilitative medicine, with the Judendorf Strassengel Clinic in Austria dealing with this topic in particular. A major problem of multiple sclerosis is the still existing ignorance about the cause of this disease, but also the individual development of the disease in each person.

Another problem is the individual insecurity of those affected with regard to activities in professional and everyday life, in the sense of physical activity, sport and mental performance. Through special individual training programmes, it is now possible for performance and physical fitness to be well maintained in multiple sclerosis.

Especially in the summer months, as well as during physical activity, there can often be a dramatic worsening of physical symptoms, which can also lead to faster exhaustion (“fatigue syndrome”). Both effects have an enormous impact on performance in everyday life and at work, as well as a considerable influence on the quality of life. However, the effects are reversible. This means that the negative symptoms disappear again when the body cools down.

One of the best-known phenomena of multiple sclerosis is the so-called Uthoff phenomenon. “Uthoff phenomenon” in its original sense refers to a temporary deterioration of visual acuity occurring after physical exertion in multiple sclerosis (MS). The phenomenon was first described by the ophthalmologist Wilhelm Uhthoff(1853-1927) in 1890. It is based on a reversible blockage of the conductivity of the pre-damaged optic nerve as a result of an increase in body temperature. Uhthoff’s phenomenon in the broader sense is also the temporary worsening of neurological MS symptoms with an increase in body temperature (e.g. with fever, hot baths or in the sauna). More than 2/3 of MS patients are affected.

To prevent overheating, cool rooms are certainly advantageous, especially in the summer months, but also cool bathrooms, etc. However, many well-meant pieces of advice often cannot be combined with everyday life, so I already thought about possibilities more than 20 years ago. Primarily, the Judendorf Strassengel Clinic and I tried to improve the problem through the possibilities of active cooling. However, the possibility derived from NASA technology proved to be technically complex and too expensive.

For several years now, the Judendorf Clinic has been using the passive cooling waistcoats (E.COOLINE) from the company pervormance. This passive cooling system of the body can primarily prevent overheating and thus prevent the symptoms of the Uhthoff phenomenon. A small series of studies shows this and could be presented at major international congresses.


A common symptom of multiple sclerosis is the “Uhthoff” phenomenon, which occurs in 60-80% of those affected. This is when the neurological symptoms worsen. The cause is an increase in body temperature due to fever, physical exertion or simply due to an increase in the ambient temperature, e.g. in summer, in hot countries or in warm rooms.

In addition to an often dramatic worsening of the physical symptoms, there can also be a more rapid exhaustion (“fatigue syndrome”). Both factors have an enormous impact on performance in everyday life and at work, as well as a considerable influence on quality of life. However, the effects are reversible. This means that the negative symptoms disappear again as the body cools down. This is what the DMSG German Multiple Sclerosis Society says about cooling clothing and therefore recommends.

"The most important thing is that I regain some of the normality of everyday life".

A. Gaisser
Man with MS

However, cooling clothing not only significantly reduces the symptoms of fatigue in MS. The ability to concentrate can also be improved again. New American studies by the Kessler Foundation show that this is extremely important, because memory and concentration losses of 70% were measured in heat. This is not only a minor impairment, but makes many things almost impossible, whether at work, at home or during sports. With only 30% memory, many otherwise simple things become enormously difficult.

Cooling clothing such as cooling waistcoats and cooling shirts, but also cooling caps, bandanas and neck scarves counteract exhaustion and ensure success and fun at work, during leisure time and in sports, even in hot weather.

You can download further information here.



MS-Betroffene Tanja beim 15 km Lauf mit E.COOLINE Powercool SX3 Shirtweste

Studies show: Strength and endurance training in multiple sclerosis have a positive effect on the physical performance, symptoms and quality of life of MS patients. But how did MS patients manage to exercise in the heat in the first place?
Sports training has clearly positive effects on MS patients with and without limiting symptoms. For example, a study by Alexander Tallner, a sports scientist at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute for Sports Science and Sport, found that internet-based training can increase the musculature and improve fatigue in MS patients. The patients only exercised twice a week for 20 to 30 minutes.

In a study by Dalgas and colleagues, the influence of twelve weeks of progressive strength training on the parameters MS-specific fatigue, (depressed) mood and quality of life was investigated. The authors report a reduction in fatigue, improvement in mood and increase in quality of life.

These positive effects could still be demonstrated twelve weeks after the end of the training programme.

The problem here is that about two thirds of MS sufferers feel restricted by the Uhthoff phenomenon. Increased body temperature due to sports training and/or high outside temperatures leads to a deterioration in the conduction of the nerve fibres. This intensifies existing neurological symptoms for a short time.

So what do you do when regular training is so important on the one hand, but you don’t feel able to do it at all because of the heat problems?
Cooling is also the solution here. With cooling waistcoats, cooling shirts, cooling headgear and special arm coolers, people with MS can do sports without increasing their neurological symptoms.

The conclusion of many MS sufferers: You first have to feel fit enough to be able to keep fit with sport. With cooling clothing, this can finally be achieved.


Working with MS- in high temperatures, it is often almost impossible to manage. In order to stay fit in such situations, all that is often needed is individual cooling. That is why employers also invest in cooling clothing. Andreas Gaisser, affected by multiple sclerosis, reports here on his experiences.

Andreas Gaisser, MS-Betroffener, mot E.COOLINE Kühlweste

Overall, I feel much more comfortable in my skin. Before, I got tired much faster at higher temperatures. The cooling vest improves this heat problem considerably.

I feel much better while wearing it – especially over a longer period of time. My experience shows that temperatures just below 20°C are perfect for me. Anything above that has an extremely negative effect on my performance. Thanks to the cooling waistcoat, I can now stay focused for longer, especially at these high temperatures.

II use the vest mainly at work. As a software developer, I am working in an office with five other colleagues. With all the PCs and other equipment, it can easily get over 25 degrees. With the cooling waistcoat, I don’t have a problem with that any more, even when the air conditioning isn’t running in the summer. Since I’ve had the vest, I’m completely independent of such external circumstances. Even my employer has recognised how well I feel with the vest and has offered to order another one for me at company expense.

When the vest cools me down, no change is noticeable throughout the day. I stay fit much longer and can manage my workload much more effectively.

I get tired much more slowly. Even though I do more mental than physical work at my job, the waistcoat helps to maintain performance much longer throughout the day.

The vest is very easy to use. I go and hold it under the tap for just a moment and it soaks up. Then a quick moment to dry it off. When I put it on, it is briefly cool, then it feels very comfortable.

I usually don’t use the whole amount of water. Then the cooling effect lasts for one and a half days, which is very long. It also helps me in the evening when I go out. In a pub or restaurant there are often temperatures of over 20 degrees.

II can unreservedly recommend the waistcoat to anyone with MS who has a heat problem. I chose this vest because it was so easy to use and I have never regretted my choice. My quality of life has improved extremely. Before, constant performance was always temperature-dependent. As soon as it got warm, my concentration dropped noticeably. In the past, I used to take a shower in such moments – if possible. Now, thanks to E.COOLINE, I can count on my performance at any time. The vest has the same effect as the cold shower used to.



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