E.COOLINE GEschäftsführerin Sabine Stein (Mitte) und zwei weitere Kandidaten im Studio bei "Sag die Wahrheit"

The SWR quiz show “Sag die Wahrheit” was recently about “Prima Klima”. Pop star and guessing fox Smudo doubted the story of the managing director of pervormance international GmbH, Sabine Stein – and lost.

Sabine Stein claimed in the quiz show hosted by Michael Antwerpes that she has no problem at all with heat. Because then she simply wears her air conditioning directly on her body. Thanks to an innovative technology, her waistcoats, shirts and other garments can cool the body down to 12 degrees. She amazed the celebrity panel with this. Pop star Smudo, singer of the band “Die Fantastischen Vier” (The Fantastic Four), asked and guessed, but in the end didn’t believe the Ulm woman and her great climate. And lost. “A great invention,” praised presenter and sports expert Michael Antwerpes afterwards. Sabine Stein then demonstrated the cooling waistcoat in the broadcast as proof, which can also be used to lose weight. She dipped the high-tech fleece in water and gave the presenter the waistcoat to put on. “It’s really nice and cool, in other words pleasantly cool,” Antwerpes noted with surprise, thus also convincing guessing fox Smudo, who immediately wanted to test the cooling waistcoat. “Our cooling textiles can of course also help Smudo and the Fanta 4 with their sweaty shows,” Sabine Stein recommended after the show.



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