Der Fettversteher. How to activate our good fat to lose our bad fat


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Cool research – easy to understand

What do we actually know about our body fat? Would you have thought that we have not only white but also brown fat cells in our body that make us healthier and that do good when activated with cooling?

What else you should know about your fat and how you can improve your sugar and fat metabolism with cooling is explained to you by the “fat expert” Prof. Dr. Alexander Bartelt.

With his research, the biomedical scientist shows what we need to do to get the most out of our fat!


About the Author:

Alexander Bartelt is a biochemist and molecular biologist. He is a professor of cardiovascular metabolism at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.

The goal of his research is to understand the molecular basis of obesity, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

He holds a PhD from the University of Hamburg and worked on new mechanisms of action of adipose tissue at Harvard University, USA.

Product Information:

Publisher: Ullstein Paperback, 1st Edition (December 29, 2020)

Language: German

Softcover: 288 pages

ISBN: 9783864931130


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