I have had chronic tension headaches since my early childhood, and the cause cannot be traced back. As a result, I have been suffering for a long time and I was very critical. After reading the product description, I wore both the headband and the neckband on the very first day. Because I regularly take medication, I start sweating very quickly, which I have regularly complained about to my various doctors. I was always advised to drink as much as possible. This is not so easy to do in everyday life. I often cycle or take the public transport and lose so much fluid that I can’t make up for it as quickly as I lose it. Of course, this often leads to severe headaches, which very quickly culminate in a migraine. The products from E-cooline have been an incredibly great support for me. I already had noticeably less fluid loss on the first day. In other words, unlike usual, the products noticeably helped me not to heat up so quickly. This also meant that I had less fluid loss.
As a result, I had far fewer pain attacks. I felt fitter and more energetic and was more efficient and less tired throughout the day. I was also able to leave the house straight after getting up and showering and didn’t have to wait for minutes. However, I quickly realized that I didn’t like wearing the headband and only wore it at home, because otherwise it would have reminded me too much of Rambo. But I never went out again without my cooling neckband and I still wear it almost every day. I am still critical concerning my neck tension caused by the cooling, though, and I was often faced with the question of less fluid loss or less neck tension. I usually opted for less fluid loss.
All in all, the products have convinced me and I will certainly buy the basecap or the wristbands. I would like to emphasize once again that this has really helped me a lot.
B. Schlosser