Blistering heat in summer and in hot countries limits athletic performance. This is nothing new. What is new, however, is the fact that the body’s heat regulation reduces performance even at much lower temperatures and that you can do something about it. In heat, much more energy is consumed than most golfers think. In tennis, too, people underestimate the drop in performance at high temperatures. According to Prof. Winfried Joch from the Institute of Sports Science at the University of Münster, energy consumption can be over 70% just for heat regulation of the body.
Energy that could be used better if the body’s cooling system were taken away. And not only that. The concentration also decreases in heat. According to studies by the University of Wuppertal, this is 20-30% at temperatures of 30-40°C. That’s why you cool yourself before the game and during every break in the game with cooling vests or T-shirts. You can easily stay cool while playing or teeing off with baseball caps or arm coolers.
Temperatures above 30 degrees are becoming more and more frequent in summer as part of climate change. Responsible coaches therefore advise 2-3 litres of water and cooling whenever possible, in addition to sunscreen. Many use their umbrella for shade. Nevertheless, it is often hot underneath. Concentration suffers and so does the result. The frequency of errors increases as the temperature rises, as the graph shows. Not to mention that especially the last holes are played far below the individual’s capabilities. This does not have to be. That is why there is E.COOLINE. Basecap or Sunvisor for a cool head and for the distances simply put on a cooling waistcoat or put the BigPad over your shoulders. This keeps you concentrated and efficient even at over 30°C.

In golf in particular, but especially in tennis, breaks in play are enormously important for short-term regeneration. However, so far the body has had to do this itself and that costs a lot of energy. This energy is then lacking at the latest in the last set at the end of the match. Effective cooling can significantly improve and, above all, accelerate the body’s regeneration. The legs become “lighter” and muscular problems are improved. Fatigue syndromes are reduced and the body is perfectly prepared for the following rallies. This became clear in a performance diagnostic at the Olympic Training Centre. At the beginning, there was no cooling during the exercise breaks. In the 2nd half of the test, the body was cooled during the breaks and the body parameters were thus extremely improved – in some cases even reduced to the initial level. Therefore, in every break simply put on a cooling waistcoat or put the cooling BigPad over your shoulders instead of the previous towel. The E.COOLINE material also perfectly absorbs sweat – so cooled and dry in one.

Golfers like to be out in the fresh air and love nature. Tennis is also usually more fun outdoors. That’s why smart functional sports products like active cooling clothing should also be sustainable and climate-friendly. E.COOLINE is partly made by upcycling and reusing waste fibres. There is usually no need for pre-cooling in the freezer or ice, which would involve high energy consumption and additional CO2 emissions. E.COOLINE naturally converts heat into effective cooling through evaporative cooling of water. In addition, all products have been climate-neutral since 2013. Our company won the Climate Protection Award 2019/2020 for this. This means that all golfers and tennis players cool themselves with E.COOLINE in a CO2-neutral way, protecting not only themselves but also the environment.