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26.04.2022 from 2:00 pm
Heat action plan in the company – health and risk assessment at workplaces above 26°


Free Webinar

„Hitzeaktionsplan im Unternehmen – Gesundheit Gefährdungsbeurteilung an Arbeitsplätzen >26°C“

Every year it gets warmer and the heat is no longer pleasant in many workplaces in summer, but puts a strain on the cardiovascular system and the health of many people. Feeling good is different.

The UN IPCC report and the AOK WIDO report are already warning of the consequences of the heat. In order to be prepared, many experts therefore recommend heat action plans.

In the meantime, the topic of heat has certainly become part of the risk assessment with appropriate measures in most companies. If you can solve everything technically or organizationally, wonderful. If not, we will be happy to support you with our know-how, checklists, information and personal service.

On April 26th, 2022 at 2 p.m. we will have online together with

Michael Korb, the only German expert for PPE,
all important aspects relating to the problem of “heat” in detail


  • Occupational health and safety laws of the EU, Germany on the subject of heat, workplaces from 26°

  • Risk assessment in terms of the Technical Rules for Workplaces ASR A3.5

  • Heat and health: cardiovascular diseases, lung problems, risk of accidents

  • Technical, organizational and personal protective measures in the event of heat

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